Saturday, October 19, 2013

October 2013 - Putting Faith Into Action

Lynn Bogle,
Nashville Rescue Mission
In October, RCC enjoyed lunch at the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry where they heard from dynamic gentlemen on how to put faith into action. It was a real treat to have two organizations present: the Salvation Army and Nashville Rescue Mission.

Lynn Bogle, with Nashville Rescue Mission, stressed the importance of reconnecting people with God. The Nashville Rescue Mission serves the homeless, addicts and broken families by serving meals, providing shelter, restoring life and helping people get back on their feet. He also made it clear that anyone can end up at the Mission after a couple of bad choices in life.

Gerald Brown, with Salvation Army, presented a video about the
Gerald Brown,
Salvation Army
Salvation Army which demonstrated the motto: Doing the Most Good. The army "provides soup, soap and salvation," but truly encompasses a myriad of activities to the benefit of children, men and women.

President of the Nashville chapter and pastor of the Church of Scientology, Rev. Brian Fesler said, “I’m always encouraging my parishioners to get out and be active in the community... and people like this just prove it’s all worthwhile.”

Both organizations provide shelter for those without homes, and both give out meals to the hungry. Both as well have upcoming events...

You are welcomed and encouraged to join the Salvation Army at A Gathering of Angels on October 29th at 6pm. This event will benefit the Angel Tree Program. The cost of the event is being underwritten by sponsors, therefore 100% of the proceeds raised will benefit the Salvation Army. It will take place at Boone Convocation Center at Trevecca Nazarene University Campus.

The Nashville Rescue Mission would encourage all to attend Music with A Mission on November 17th at 7pm at the Schermerhorn Symphony Center. Tickets start at $35 and can be purchased at

For more information on the Nashville Religion Communicators Council or to sign up on the email list to be notified about upcoming meetings, email