The Nashville Chapter of the Religion Communicators
Council (RCC) recently elected the new Executive Committee for the 2014-2015
term. The new Executives are setting the pace for the coming year with goals
and new projects.
The Religion Communicators Council (RCC), founded in
1929, is an interfaith association of religion communicators at work in print
and electronic communication, marketing and public relations. Members of the
RCC come from many different religions and backgrounds including Christianity, Judaism,
Baha’i Faith, Islam and Scientology, among others.
The Nashville Chapter recently elected its new slate of
officers for the 2014-2016 year. These are: Rev. Brian Fesler, Pastor of the
Church of Scientology, to continue in his role as President; Drew Pope, Public
Affairs Director for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is the
Vice President for Programs; Royya James, Conference Relations Coordinator of
United Methodist Communications is Treasurer; Julie Brinker, Director of
Community Affairs for the Church of Scientology to continue in her role as
Communications Coordinator; and Aisha Lbhalla of the Tennessee Muslim Women’s
Council is the new Membership Officer.
“I’m very excited about this slate of officers,” says
President Fesler, “We are organizing a very exciting project to help promote
goodwill and the good works of all religious people in the city.” He declined
to comment on the exact nature of this project but said the details would be
released in due time.
Fesler did go on to say that one goal of the new
Executive Committee is to double attendance, and they will be reaching out
further to gain new members and re-interest past members.
The Nashville chapter will continue to meet on the third
Tuesday of each month for lunchtime presentations designed to improve attendees’
skills in some aspect of religious communications. For more information or to
attend an upcoming meeting, visit